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POSITIVE MUSIC http://cdbaby.com/davidcreative DAVID CREATIVE TOP RATED POSTIVE MUSIC BY DAVID CREATIVE POSITIVE MUSIC POSITIVE SONGS DAVID CREATIVE #1 RATED POSTIVE MUSIC BY DAVID CREATIVE! ENJOY & LISTEN TO THE NEW RELEASE OF DAVID CREATIVE POSITIVE SONGS FOR TODAYS LISTENERS! DAVID CREATIVE POWERFUL INSPIRING AND SUPPORTIVE SONGS! Many catastrophies have befallen our blue World. These tragedies are of epic proportions and the suffering for many is nearly unbearable. Yet, the compassion, courage and love of millions has risen higher than any flood! WORLDWIDE #1 RATED POSITIVE MUSIC POSITIVE SONGS DAVID CREATIVE! CONTACT DAVID CREATIVE DIRECTLY HERE: 626-391-3991 or at CONTACT US AT mike@direct-gold.com CDBABY.COM/CD/DAVIDCREATIVE BREAKOUT THE CD talks of everyting from life to angels and heaven and more
"NEW MUSIC" "EAR AMBROSIA" POSITIVE ENERGY, UPBEAT MUSIC AND LYRICS, SUPERCHARGES YOUR LIFE AND TIMES! EAR AMBROSIA FOR THE SOUL Management Team: Kapro Productions, David Carr & Harvey Kubernick, Directors Special Consutants, Lawrence Kaplan & Hank Cunnington David Snow is the producer, arranger & additional music Vocals & instruments, Ear Ambrosia Parker Snow, Special Vocals Madison Snow, Special Vocals Daphne Nowell, Cover Art Esther Nowell, Disc Art Lisa Wilsey, Consultant Hank Cunnington, Media CD/Graphics Production AbetDisc.com Lawrence Kaplan, Executive Management TEL: 626-391-3991 mike@direct-gold.com DAVID CREATIVE IS MICHAEL DAVID DAVID SNOW IS PRODUCER SEE OUR WEBSITE AT: http://cdbaby.com/cd/...
This is music you can use. It has a positive effect on the listener. The benefits of listening to positive music include physical and emotional healing, increased motivation, a sense of connection and unity among others and the natural world, facilitating the process of experiencing grief, sadness, anger or apathy, and an increased sense of well being and joy. Common settings for listening to this music include workshops and retreats, dance and fitness centers, hospitals and hospices, schools, counseling and coaching programs, spiritual communities, and at home.
There is a huge, untapped market of people hungry for this kind of music. Think of Positive as the music version of Oprah, the multi-billion dollar Self-Help Industry (with authors like Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson), the more than 50 million people in the U.S. alone who make up the Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability (LOHAS) Market, and the Environmental and New Thought Movements.
Positive music is about seeing music not only as entertainment but as a means of creating positive change in the world. People drawn to Positive Music often are interested in subjects like personal development and empowerment, social transformation and peace, and in creating healthy and sustainable environments, relationships and communities. We encourage artistic integrity and social responsibility.
One of David Creative's goals is to establish Positive as a new music category. This categorization makes it easy for people to discover and listen to healthy, positive music. Imagine going to iTunes and finding the best Positive Music all in one place.
David Creative provides the largest collection of Positive artists and music in the world, and provides resources and networking opportunities for members to grow and market their music. Through BREAKOUT CD, get a chance to hear positive music online.here.
This site includes a list of Davud Creatives links to their websites, members, resources, links to other positive music sites, songs by subject, and positive music events.
What is Positive Music?
This is positive, conscious music that inspires conscious relationships, health, work, and living. This music is distinct from what some might consider positive music because it implies taking action or changing one's life for the better. It is uniting, inclusive, universal and uplifting in nature. It is mainly lyric based. Popular songs that would be categorized as Positive include Natasha Bedingfield’s "Unwritten," John Mayer’s "Daughters," or the Beatles’ "Let It Be."
Positive Music is not: love songs, because they do not necessarily inspire action or change; religious since they are not inclusive of all human beings, just those who prescribe to that particular religion; simply happy songs unless they inspire appreciation or action; or anti-songs (e.g. anti-war, anti-drug) unless they focus on solutions.
Member Spotlight
Mike Kaplan
Email: mike1@direct-gold.com
Listen Random (MP3): Keep On Walking